Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Most important Anlaysis

With an assumption that we are here to analyse Equity value of a company i.e. the business of which share is underlying asset off, I have to safely assume that we all are clear with basics of accounting and finance, I will still try to cover up basic as much as I can.
Before we start analysing a script or a share I think the most fruitful exercise would be to analyse ourselves as an individual and our objective from this, it’s obvious that we all have a common objective of earning profits but we all are different individuals and carry different belief and concept about this market. Many or in fact all of us at some time or other has hoped/imagined that the script we just bought would fetch us hundred times profit if not thousands. I wouldn't say that can never happen but buying and hoping script goes up isn't always fruitful. I come across many people who say “I don’t put my money in stock market any-more  because whenever I did, the moment I did the stock prices tanked down, guess we are not made for each other.” I generally don’t react to it.
The best thing to start out would be to set our objectives straight to be able to strategies our way out
· What Am I here for?
· What kind of patience level do I have?
· What can be the time period of your investments?
If your answers to these three questions are 1) here to make quick bucks, 2)no patience level, 3)less than one year/shorter the better, then you can safely put yourself in traders category and will require to develop a different set of skills (There is nothing wrong in being under traders horizon against the conventional belief, it’s just the skills require to succeed in the market with this object would be different (known as technical analysis) than what we are talking about here. (I am still learning about technical analysis and would add a blog on it soon.)
If your answers to these questions are 1) I am here to make money I don’t mind if it takes time as long as I learn from it too. 2) I have Patience, but doesn't mean I am stupid. 3) As long as the company is earning/sharing profits and growth prospectus is high I don’t mind 2yrs 5yrs 10yrs 20yrs…. Then you will need skills called as fundamental skills to analyse and can put yourself in the horizon of Investors.

There is nothing wrong in having both answers and objectives, ultimately whatever makes money for us….i put myself in both the categories too but then my portfolio is clearly divided into 25-75 horizon not more than 25% with a trading objective and out of that not more than 10% for speculative reasons if not all with a logical trading view. But before I did that I had to make sure I understand both views of analysis and rules of both the game which are like two very different animals. You too can design your own portfolio weight-age and put money accordingly till the time you are clear with the reasons for your call.
With the objectives clear we can then proceed to see what does the most intelligent people on the wall- Street does and how can we all share the title of an Analyst.

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